台灣嘜 x《田師傅》帶您千里飄香到南洋,從每一口被滿滿辛香料包覆的南洋料理,就能感受到所有酸、甜、香、辣、鹹的滋味,都是深受馬來西亞各民族(峇峇娘惹、馬來人、華人、印度人等)飲食文化與智慧相互薰陶的結晶,造就了馬來西亞別具一格的傳統烹飪技藝!就讓田師傅成爲您的味蕾指南針,帶您探索這風情萬種的香料料理聖地;透過嚴選當地辛香料,歷經慢燉熬煮、高溫殺菌等繁瑣程序,完整保留傳統東南亞風味的醬料包,只需依喜好加入肉類、蔬菜、椰奶等,即可輕鬆烹調出餐廳等級的南洋口味!



🎉 組合優惠:《田師傅》南洋必吃8風味任選6包780元、8包1000元

x Tean's Gourmet 🌶

A Total Of 26 Items

Curry chicken is an indispensable family delicacy on the table of all ethnic groups in Malaysia. In ⋯
Laksa, one of the top ten delicacies in the world that you must taste in your life, can now be found⋯
Tom Yam (or Tom Yum) Thai hot and sour soup is a good companion to common dishes in Malaysia. The so⋯
With "Tean’s Gourmet Paste for Rendang”, just add simple ingredients and cook for 25 minutes. After ⋯
Prawn noodles is the most iconic classic delicacy in Penang, Malaysia, and is widely loved by Chines⋯
Vegetarians can also taste the fresh and refreshing Nanyang curry at home! Healthy turmeric and othe⋯
◎ Filled with the rich flavors and layers of Southeast Asian cuisine◎ The special sauce is the soul ⋯
◎ A uniquely flavored and vibrant Malaysian dish, combining sour and spicy tastes with a rich variet⋯
◎ A dish with a unique cooking style of Nyonya culture◎ Known for its coconut milk broth, sweet and⋯
NT$1,000 NT$1,192
◎ Filled with the rich flavors and layers of Southeast Asian cuisine◎ The special sauce is the soul ⋯
NT$1,490 NT$1,788
◎ A uniquely flavored and vibrant Malaysian dish, combining sour and spicy tastes with a rich variet⋯
NT$1,490 NT$1,788
◎ A dish with a unique cooking style of Nyonya culture◎ Known for its coconut milk broth, sweet and⋯
NT$1,490 NT$1,788
Curry chicken is an indispensable family delicacy on the table of all ethnic groups in Malaysia. In ⋯
NT$1,490 NT$1,788
Laksa, one of the top ten delicacies in the world that you must taste in your life, can now be found⋯
NT$1,490 NT$1,788
With "Tean’s Gourmet Paste for Rendang”, just add simple ingredients and cook for 25 minutes. After ⋯
NT$1,490 NT$1,788
Tom Yam (or Tom Yum) Thai hot and sour soup is a good companion to common dishes in Malaysia. The so⋯
NT$1,490 NT$1,788
Prawn noodles is the most iconic classic delicacy in Penang, Malaysia, and is widely loved by Chines⋯
NT$1,490 NT$1,788
Vegetarians can also taste the fresh and refreshing Nanyang curry at home! Healthy turmeric and othe⋯
NT$1,490 NT$1,788
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